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Nspyre Red Collective - Home to Inspired Hair Artist Creating Red Carpet Worthy Hair. LOCATED : 380 CASHEL STREET, PHILLIPSTOWN (Close to corner of Fitzgerald Ave & Cashel St) ***UPDATED Online Booking Instructions Please Read Below Before Booking:*** *GUESS WHOSE BACK! Senior Stylist Sarah (aka SADIE) is back from 20th MARCH ready to take bookings!! *USE PACKAGES to book Colouring and Foiling services click on 'ALL SERVICES' tab to find 'PACKAGES' this ensures correct timing for processing, shampooing, treatments and to finish with either blowdry or cut/blowdry. *SPECIAL COLOUR OFFERS use key words: 'Next Gen', 'New' or 'Express' in search bar in the 'ALL SERVICE' tab. *Please read the descriptions of services carefully to select correct service. *LUNCH TIME BLOWDRY are to be booked between 12pm - 3pm for special offer price. *BKT Keratin Treatment are not available to book online please call the salon to book. **HAIR STYLIST** - Master Stylists: RONDA, TEGAN, GRACE - Senior Lead Stylists: RUBY, **NEW SENIOR SARAH (Colour&Curl Expert!) - Emerging Stylists: CAYLA, KOBI and **LILY (BRAID ARTIST) - Jr Stylists: KASSIE, JESS *Ronda Shaskey is unavailable for online bookings call the salon directly. **Need Help?** Can't find a service? Call us at 03 420 2499. Remember, our cancellation policy requires minimum of 24 hours notice. Warm regards, The Nspyre Red Hair Team
