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Welcome and Thank you for choosing Make Up Ink for your Nano Cosmetic Tattoo treatments! Naomi will be available on the dates below at your selected salon: SYDNEY 2025 RELEASE DATES MAR 22-26 |APRIL 24-30 | MAY 16-22 | JUNE ANNUAL LEAVE| JUL 24-29 | AUG 18-23| SEP 18-23 | OCT 17-21| NOV 14-19| DEC 11-20 HUNTERS HILL (NSW) LE SALON MEDISPA - WED 25 MAR 2025 HOBART SANCTUM MEDICAL | (TAS) MON 3 FEB | MON 24 FEB | MON 17 MAR | MON 31 MAR | MON 21 APR Naomi Hollings, founder of MAKE-UP INK AUSTRALIA, has become a familiar name amongst Australian women as the destination for specialist Nano Cosmetic Tattooing Technology for Eyebrows Brows | Eyeliner | Lip Blush |Freckles and pigment removal. Naomi welcomes the opportunity of enhancing your features naturally by drawing upon facial architecture and organic colour pigment customisation, using her qualifications, skills and over 14 years of expertise. *TATTOO CLIENTS PLEASE READ Please take care to follow our Pre and Post Tattoo Care as we want the best healed result for your tattoo. PRE-Care Limit blood thinners, Fish Oil, Evening Primrose, coffee & alcohol for the week prior. Limit sun exposure to face. No exercise on the day of tattoo before or 7 days after. No facial peels or skin treatments, Botox or Injectables 14 days before or after tattoo. If you are booked for Lip Tattoo and you suffer cold sores, please take the coldsore tablets a day prior to treatment. If you are on medication or topical vitamins please advise at your appointment. I look forward to seeing you. Naomi x
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