My bookings

Welcome to Iron + Ivy Hair Studio & Revolver Hair Studios booking system Please make sure you select the correct location for your booking; For Queenstown: Iron + Ivy Hair Studio For Arrowtown: Revolver Hair Studio *NEW CLIENTS* If you would like any colour services (foils etc,) then please book in for a New Client Consultation. If you're just booking a haircut or blow dry then no consultation is required. Cut + Styles - Please note for short hair cuts please choose either an Art Director or Creative Director Consulations are in-person and complimentary, take around 15mins and allow us to assess your hair + then provide you with a cost of your chosen service before we book a colour appt for you. (includes a skin test and strand test) EXISTING CLIENTS Please note that all foil services MUST have an olaplex and gloss service as part of the service - We won't confirm a foil booking without these services ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *New clients - First visit to Iron + Ivy or have been to the studio more than six months ago. *Existing clients - Have received a service from any of the Artists in the last six months We recommend that you take a moment to read all our terms and conditions here: https://www.ironandivyhair.com/terms-and-conditions/ https://www.revolverhair.com/terms-and-conditions By completing a booking you are agreeing to be contacted by Iron + Ivy Hair Ltd either by email or phone, to opt out of communications you can either unsubscribe or reply with STOP to cease any electronic communications.
